Friday 24 August 2012

2 Choccy Cupcakes

Jeg har hatt et lite prosjekt gående i et par uker. Jeg ville prøve å lage en oppskrift for bare to cupcakes. For de gangene du får virkelig lyst på noe søtt, men ikke trenger å lage 12 cupcakes... Og det er også en god unnskyldning for å bake mer. Innspirasjonen kom etter å ha sett Bridesmaides filmen. Hvor Annie føler veldig synd på seg selv og lager seg kun en cupcake. Men hvem spiser bare en cupcake! Bare i Hollywood! Jeg begynte å titte litt på nettet og testet ut to oppskrifter jeg fant der. Men syntes de ikke ble så gode og luftige som cupcakes skal være. Så jeg satt i gang med mitt eget eksperiment, og på femte forsøk ble det riktig så godt! Det blir nok også flere typer oppskrifter for kun to cupcakes etter hvert også. For syntes dette var helt genialt. Så enkelt!
Det er bare og la bakebollen og kjøkkenmaskinen stå i skapet. Alt du trenger her er en liten skål. :) Hvis du har frosting i fryseren til overs fra forrige kaken du lagde er dette en perfekte muligheten til å bruke det opp. Hvis du ikke har frosting i fryseren, så har jeg lagt med en god oppskrift på en under.

2 Choccy Cupcakes
31g mel
6g kakao
42g sukker
15g romtemperert smør
35ml melk
17g egg
4 dråper vaniljeekstrakt

170 grader i 20 min
Bland alt det tørre. Ha i smørret og bland med fingrene til du får en konsistens som ligner sand.
Visp egget kjapt så det er lett å måle ut det du trenger. Bland så alt det våte og ha det i melmiksen i to omganger. Miks til alt er godt blandet. Hell så cupcake mixen i to former. Ca. 2/3 fulle.

Enkel Frosting
150g melis
50g romtemperet smør
20g kakao
20ml melk

Bland alt og visp i ca. 5 minutter. Frostingen blir mykere hvis du vispere den lengre. Dette blir for mye for bare to cupkaes, så putt restene i fryseren til neste gang.

Saturday 18 August 2012

Raspberry Ruffle Cake

I love Raspberry's! And they are everywhere at the moment. So I have gone a little bit raspberry crazy lately. First off I made a Lemon Cake with Raspberry Syrup, but it was soooo good we finished it off before any pictures where taken! But I'm pretty sure I will be making it again, so I will make sure there will be time for pictures then.
My second raspberry cake is the Raspberry Ruffle Cake. I have been wanting to do a two toned layer cake with ruffle frosting for a while so the timing was perfect. It was the first time I did ruffles, but it did not turn out too bad in the end. Found doing the top of the cake most difficult.
Since my first cake on here did not have a recipe I thought I better include it this time.
So for this I made sure I used the very best vanilla sponge cake I knew. From the marvelous Sweetapolita. I have tried a lot of vanilla sponge cakes, and this one comes out perfect every time!

Raspberry Ruffle Cake
(cake adapted Sweetapolita. Find it here.)
Will make 4 layers, 18cm cake tins

The Sponge
5 large egg whites  (150 g)
180ml milk
2 1/4 teaspoons vanilla extract
315g flour
350g sugar
19.5g bakingpowder
170g butter at room temperature
30ml pureed raspberry's (or more if you like) - strain through a sieve to remove pips
1/2 teaspoon raspberry extract

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grease the sides and line your 18cm baking tins with grease proof paper. (I only have two, so had to clean them and reuse my baking tins.) Whisk the egg whites, 1/4 of the milk and the vanilla extract and set aside. In a separate mixing bowl combine all the dry ingredients. Add butter and the rest of the milk and mix for 1/2 minute. Scrape the sides of the bowl and then add the egg mixture in three separate batches. Mixing for 20 seconds after each addition. Divide the batter in into two and mix in the raspberry's and extract in one half. Mix until combined. Make sure not to overwork the batter. Then divide into four equal batches. Weigh the batches to get the same level on the finished sponges. Bake for 20-25 min, or until a skewer comes out clean. Remove from the oven and leave to cool slightly before removing the cakes from the tin to cool completely on a wire cooling rack.

Raspberry Curd
2 eggs + 2 egg yokes
120g sugar
80g butter
240g Raspberry's - strain through a sieve to remove pips

Put the eggs, egg yokes and sugar in a pan and whisk until smooth. Add the butter and raspberry juice and place over a medium low heat. Whisk until thickened, around 5 to 10 minutes. When you remove the spoon from the curd and it is coated, it is thick enough. Leave to cool. Cover it with clingfilm pressed directly on top of the curd to stop skin from forming.The curd will also thicken up a little bit while cooling.

Vanilla Frosting
(frosting adapted from here)
375g butter at room temperature
400g icing sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
20ml milk
20ml pureed raspberry's - strain through a sieve to remove pips

Beat the butter for 8 minutes. Add the icing sugar and vanilla extract. Beat for a further 6 minutes. Then divide the batter in 2 half's. Add the milk into one half and the raspberry puree into the other half. Mix until incorporated. If you use more than 20ml of raspberry's, remember to add more icing sugar.

When the cake is cold, put one of the vanilla sponges on a cake stand and spread a dollop of the frosting over it. Then put one of the raspberry sponges on top and spread some curd on this one. Take the last vanilla sponge and place on top. Spread a layer of frosting evenly over it, top with the last raspberry sponge. Then spread evenly a thin layer of frosting all over the cake and cool until set. I try to leave it for 30 minutes. Then it is time to make the ruffles. But I will not try to explain how to do this. It will be a lot easier if you just watch this video.

  • I only used one layer of Raspberry Curd. But the recipe above will make a lot and it would have been very nice to have had curd in all the layers.
  • Left over curd will keep for a month in the freezer
  • The cake was very sweet, so would have tasted delicious if I added some lemon to the curd for some acidity. 

Tuesday 7 August 2012


Hi and welcome!
So... Here we go! Finally decided to start a blog. 
My name is Heidi and I love baking and decorating cakes. And I would like to share my cakes and some recipes with you. 
For now I will just talk to myself and see where it goes from there.

Banana and Toffee Checkerboard Cake

I made this cake for my husband on his birthday. He loves banana and toffee, so I combined them both in my Banana and Toffee Checkerboard Cake. 
My husband loved it! But I was not totally pleased with the consistency of it and the checkerboard. So I will have to do a bit more experimenting on it, and then I will put the recipe and how to on here.